Diabetic Eye Exams in Maple Ridge

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Diabetes Affects Your Vision More Than You Think

Many people know of diabetes and how it affects your health. When your body does not make or use insulin, glucose can build in your blood vessels. This build-up can lead to complications in many parts of the body, including your eyes. 

The Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends anyone with diabetes has an annual eye exam. Our team in Maple Ridge provides eye exams for patients with diabetes, an exam tailored to your specific needs. 

Diabetes & Its Impact

Diabetes can damage the sensitive blood vessels located within your retina. Long periods of high blood sugar can damage these blood vessels, causing them to swell, break, and leak fluid into the eye. Many diabetes-related eye issues begin with damage to these blood vessels.

High blood sugar levels can cause temporary effects, such as blurry vision, but greater risks are associated with this condition. Diabetes increases your risk of several eye diseases, including cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetes-related eye diseases.

Diabetes-Related Eye Diseases

With the effect diabetes can have on your eyes, there is a risk of developing diabetes-related eye diseases. These diseases can develop with little to no obvious symptoms, making them difficult to notice until your vision is affected. Our doctors can diagnose these diseases during a comprehensive eye exam, helping protect your eyes from vision loss. 

Diabetic retinopathy is a progressive disease that can affect anyone with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. You may not notice anything is wrong until you experience severe vision loss.

In the early stages of this disease, blood vessels in the retina are more likely to leak and hemorrhage. 

Over time, new blood vessels form to compensate for the reduced blood flow (neovascularization) but unfortunately these new blood vessels are even more fragile. 

They will also hemorrhage, resulting in scar tissue formation and ultimately, severe vision loss. Your optometrist will monitor for this.

Diabetic macular edema is a complication of diabetic retinopathy. This condition occurs when there is ongoing damage to the blood vessels within the eye, causing swelling of the macula. This swelling can eventually lead to vision loss.

Diagnosing Eye Diseases

We have invested in technology to detect early signs of diabetes-related eye diseases. We use this technology during your eye exam to examine your eye’s structures in detail to identify any abnormalities. 

Fundus photography is a noninvasive technology used to record images of the interior of your eye. We may dilate your eyes to help see more of your eye with this low-power microscope.

Fundus photography allows us to examine your optic disc, retina, retinal blood vessels, macula, and lens for potential problems.

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) technology, such as the iVue, allows our team to scan and capture cross-sectional images of your retina. High-frequency light rays scan the retina, creating detailed images of its different layers. These images can help us identify and monitor the progress of different conditions, including diabetes-related eye diseases.

A slit lamp examination includes using a bright light and microscope to look at your cornea, iris, retina, and optic nerve in detail. We may dilate your eyes to help focus a thin beam of light on your eye. This light allows us to see the internal structures of your eye, helping detect any problems before your vision is affected.

We Can Help Protect Your Eyes & Manage Your Diabetes

Diabetes is a complex disease, but we are here to help. Annual eye exams can help us identify problems and track their development. We can provide recommendations on managing your diabetes and provide treatment for any issues you experience.

Book an appointment for your diabetic eye exam.


Maple Ridge Eye Care is located on the corner of Dewdney Trunk Road and 230 Street, directly across from the Tim Hortons. Parking is available in the lot directly behind our practice. If you have any questions or are having trouble finding us, please give us a call!

Exterior of Maple Ridge Eye Care located on the corner of Dewdney Trunk Road and 230 Street

Our Address

  • 23015 Dewdney Trunk Road
  • Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3K9

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