Specialty Contact Lenses in Maple Ridge

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Specialty Contacts Designed for Unique Needs

Sometimes, regular soft contact lenses cannot meet your unique needs. You may need a lens with easier handling, more durability, or clearer vision. 

When you need a fitting for specialty contact lenses, our team can help. We have the expertise to provide comfortable lenses that meet your requirements. Visit us in Maple Ridge for specialty contact lenses. 

Contact Lenses for Your Needs

Many specialty contact lenses exist to meet your needs if you have been told you have hard-to-fit eyes or an eye condition that may prevent the use of contact lenses.

No matter why you want contact lenses, we can help find the right fit for you. Our team works with you to choose a lens that provides you with clear and comfortable vision.

Our Specialty Contact Lenses

Specialty contact lenses have specific designs for specific needs. From dry eye relief to multiple prescriptions, we have many contact lenses that may work for you. From dry eye relief to lenses that accommodate multiple prescriptions, we have many contact lens options that may work for you. 

See what specialty contact lenses we can provide.

Multifocal lenses are a great option if you have presbyopia. The design of these lenses incorporates multiple prescriptions into a single lens, helping you see clearly at all distances. These contact lenses can help correct myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism.

There are several designs available for multifocal contact lenses, including:

  • Concentric ring lenses: These lenses have different lens powers in alternating concentric rings, with the near or distance field in the centre of the lens
  • Aspheric lenses: These lenses position the different lens powers similar to concentric rings but with a blended or progressive transition
  • Translating lenses: These lenses place the different lens powers in separate parts of the lens, so the corrective fields do not shift when you look around
  • Monovision lenses: These bifocal lenses are ideal if you struggle with other multifocal lenses—one lens is for distance vision while the other is for near vision

Rigid gas permeable lenses are more sturdy than traditional, soft contacts. These lenses offer crisp vision because they maintain their shape when you blink. Despite being bulkier, they remain lightweight and allow oxygen to pass through to reach your eyes. Rigid gas permeable lenses can correct astigmatism, myopia, or hyperopia.

MiSight lenses are for correcting and controlling myopia progression in children. These daily soft contact lenses are easy to use and feature peripheral defocus technology. MiSight lenses slow eyeball elongation and may reduce myopia progression by up to 59%.

Scleral lenses are unique contacts that vault over the entire corneal surface. These lenses rest on your sclera (the white of your eye) creating a smooth ocular surface. Scleral lenses are ideal for people with irregular corneas, hard-to-fit eyes, and dry eyes.

Scleral lenses have a larger surface area than traditional contact lenses, creating a fluid reservoir that consistently hydrates your eyes.

Orthokeratology lenses, or ortho-k, are specially designed lenses that temporarily reshape the cornea. These lenses are commonly used to treat myopia. Ortho-k lenses can slow myopic progression by up to 50% in 2 years.

You wear ortho-k lenses overnight and remove them in the morning. These lenses reshape the cornea as you sleep, allowing you to enjoy the day without the need for glasses or contacts.

We Can Find the Right Lenses for Your Needs

With help from our team at Maple Ridge Eye Care, you can find the right contact lenses for your unique needs. Visit our practice to see what kinds of contact lenses we can offer you. 


Maple Ridge Eye Care is located on the corner of Dewdney Trunk Road and 230 Street, directly across from the Tim Hortons. Parking is available in the lot directly behind our practice. If you have any questions or are having trouble finding us, please give us a call!

Exterior of Maple Ridge Eye Care located on the corner of Dewdney Trunk Road and 230 Street

Our Address

  • 23015 Dewdney Trunk Road
  • Maple Ridge, BC V2X 3K9

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Can Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration Be Treated?

AMD, Eye Conditions & Health

If you or someone you care about is facing blurred vision that interferes with daily activities such as reading, driving, or recognizing faces, it may be a sign of dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This eye condition impacts the central region of the retina, leading to gradual vision loss. Early detection is vital. Dry age-related […]

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Macular degeneration is a common eye condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is the leading cause of vision loss and blindness in adults over the age of 50. The disease occurs when the macula, which is responsible for central vision, becomes damaged or deteriorated. There are two types of macular degeneration: dry and […]

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